Written on 2025-02-01 23:12:26

Sustainable Run for Development, SURUDEV on Tuesday January 10th received a nomination letter form officials of Cameroon Climate Journalism Network for the above award. The award programmed to hold in the town hall of Bamenda I municipality is part of activities to commemorate World Wetlands day 2024 by the organizers. SURUDEV received the nomination and notification for award with pomp and pageantry given her landmark achievements in the domain of wetlands and fragile landscape restoration. According to the director of SURUDEV Kari Jackson, there has surely been visibility on SURUDEV’s projects especially on water shed conservation and wetland management given the impactful nature of their interventions on the field including Climate Change advocacy, mitigation, adaptation and building of resilience amongst communities while solving hunger and poverty problem, researching and conserving biodiversity via an ecovillage development approach. All in a bid to meet up the Sustainable Development Goals and sustaining lives on earth. It is worth noting that SURUDEV has been conserving wetlands and fragile landscapes for close to two decades. Recently over the past three years, SURUDEV embarked on the conservation and restoration of the Njising-Tabenken forest with a lot of intentionality. Within this period of time, SURUDEV restored over some 100 hectares of degraded forest habitat, restored some ten severely degraded water catchments and created an ecovillage and three permanent nursery sites with capacities of each generating some forty thousand native tree species for restoration. The theme for this year’s World Wetland Celebration “United for a Common Future” is a clarion clarion call for organizations like SURUDEV and other stakeholders to do more for a more sustainable planet. Sustainable Run for Development, SURUDEV on Tuesday January 10th received a nomination letter form officials of Cameroon Climate Journalism Network for the above award. The award programmed to hold in the town hall of Bamenda I municipality is part of activities to commemorate World Wetlands day 2024 by the organizers. SURUDEV received the nomination and notification for award with pomp and pageantry given her landmark achievements in the domain of wetlands and fragile landscape restoration. According to the director of SURUDEV Kari Jackson, there has surely been visibility on SURUDEV’s projects especially on water shed conservation and wetland management given the impactful nature of their interventions on the field including Climate Change advocacy, mitigation, adaptation and building of resilience amongst communities while solving hunger and poverty problem, researching and conserving biodiversity via an ecovillage development approach. All in a bid to meet up the Sustainable Development Goals and sustaining lives on earth. It is worth noting that SURUDEV has been conserving wetlands and fragile landscapes for close to two decades. Recently over the past three years, SURUDEV embarked on the conservation and restoration of the Njising-Tabenken forest with a lot of intentionality. Within this period of time, SURUDEV restored over some 100 hectares of degraded forest habitat, restored some ten severely degraded water catchments and created an ecovillage and three permanent nursery sites with capacities of each generating some forty thousand native tree species for restoration. The theme for this year’s World Wetland Celebration “United for a Common Future” is a clarion clarion call for organizations like SURUDEV and other stakeholders to do more for a more sustainable planet.
