Within the back drop of SURUDEV’s urge to improve on conservation activities within the Nkambe plateau, SURUDEV has created a 2 hectare agro-ecologic village in Tabenken Village to host her agro-demonstrations and the a variety of typical native, fruiting, and other tree species nurseries. A total of 400000 asorted trees shall be generated each year for planting around the Njising-Tabenken Community forest and around degraded water catchments around the Nkambe plateau. Worthy of note is the fact that besides generating the afore-mentioned number of trees, a total of 10 tons of vegetables, 60 tons of honey, a ton of mushrooms, 15 tons of other tubers and local cereals, a ton of fresh fish shall be produced each year. SURUDEV also plans to train over some 1500 people per anum on the various demonstration activities within the Nkambe plateau. The Eco-villlage has a thatch house, two beds, a lot of water, and plants species such as Njangsa, cabbages, Prunus africana, Acasia, pumpkin, cabbages, tomatoes, green spices etc.. Kari Jackson has been constant on the field for a period of 11 months and feels excited about the activities of the eco-village that already plays host to some over 8 employees and 19 volunteers.